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Saturday 14 April 2012

Nokia To Shut Down Ovi Share

Nokia To Shutdown Ovi ShareThe quite a famous sharing service from Nokia known as the Nokia Share is going to be closed down by Nokia on the 30th of May 2012.
In a brief notification served by the company it claims that its sharing services are going to be discontinued following that Nokia now purely is going to concentrate on mobile and location based services.
Just for your knowledge Ovi Share is an online service that enables Nokia users to upload and share files, typically photos and videos. You will continue to have access to Ovi Share until 30 May 2012, but you will no longer be able to upload new files.
What does this mean for you as an Ovi Share user?
If you do not have a copy of your files any other place other than Ovi Share, you will need to download those files before 30 May 2012 after 30 May 2012, your files will not be accessible from the Ovi Share service and will be deleted. If you already have another copy of your files existing on your computer or another sharing service, you do not need to do anything.
If you have any further questions about this service change or need help downloading your files, please contact Nokia Care by going to and then selecting “Contact Support.”

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