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Saturday 5 May 2012

Telenor May Exit From India If Spectrum Price is Kept High

The TRAI recommendation which proposed ten times higher value of spectrum is already slammed by operators, even GSMA opposes this move.
Telenor majority stake holder of uninor Tele-ventures says that they may exit from India if spectrum price is kept so high as per TRAI’s recommendation.
The company also says TRAI proposal for only 5mhz spectrum auction on 1800mhz band is nothing but create artificial scarcity of spectrum.
Telenor Group Executive Vice President Sigve Brekke cited “If these recommendations become policy, then the Government of India will be forcing Telenor Group to exit. It will be almost impossible for us to participate in the upcoming auctions.
And the company also cites Supreme Court’s ruling in February to cancel Uninor’s licences and the recent recommendation from Trai regarding the 2G licence re-auction, the uncertainty has increased significantly,as a precautionary measure, Telenor ASA has decided to write down the remaining fixed and intangible assets in India amounting to NOK 3.9 billion (NOK 2.6 billion after non-controlling interests).
As a reader whats your take on this move how its going to impact on common mobile phone users in India do share your views?

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